Wednesday, September 6, 2017

My Special Letter!

The first letter of our first name is our Special Letter!  We spent all week talking about this letter and completing many fun crafts and activities.

We started our week by learning the alphabet song to a slower tempo, this helps us not miss letters in groupings like LMNOP.  After singing the alphabet we found the letters in our name on our fun chart.  We even tried to bark our special letters like the dogs on our chart would!

Next, we shared our special letters that we decorated at home with help from our parents!

After sharing our special letter, we learned how to use round paint dotters and "dotted" the letters in our names!


Next we got to build our names with foam circles, continuing with our round, circle shape.  Some friends used all red letters, some used all yellow letters, and some made patterns with the two colors!

Our final Special Letter craft of the week was painting our special letter with watercolors!

We even practiced writing our Special Letter on our chart, too!

This week our fine motor focus was on cutting.
First we practiced cutting straight lines!

 Next, we practiced cutting curved lines and circles.  We cut out circles in rainbow colors and made silly circle caterpillars!

What a fun week we had!

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