Thursday, September 21, 2017

Apples Up On Top

Last week continued learning about our names and we learned all about patterning!

After reading the silly story 10 Apples Up On Top we built our names with apples on top of our own heads!

Next, we practiced copying our names onto special duct tape that works with magic crayons and dry erase markers.  Mrs. Milton and I were so impressed with the wonderful handwriting our friends already have!

We continued our name building activities with a game that helped us identify which friends have which letters in their name.  We learned that everyone has at least one vowel in their name so lots of our friends have letters like A, E, I, O, U, and Y. We also learned that while everyone has consonants in there name there are more consonants in the alphabet than vowels so fewer friends share letters like Q and Z!

We continued working with apples to learn how to pattern!  We worked as a class to first build an AB pattern then we worked in pairs to build our own AB patterns.

 After mastering AB patterns we moved on to stamping more difficult patterns like ABC and AABB!

We spent time this week working on our counting skills and understanding the relationship between a number and objects.  We practiced this by being shown a number card and putting that many apples on our apple trees.  We have some very smart friends and everyone did a great job during this activity!  We are ready for bigger numbers next week!

During our change drive last week for those affected by Hurricane Harvey we wrote "Thinking of You" cards for students at Our Lady of the Lourdes Catholic School in Hitchcock, TX.  We hope our cards bring a little bit of happy to these students during a difficult time!

We celebrated our first Red and White day and attend our first Pep Rally!  We had so much fun in our free dress and loved watching all of the cheerleaders!

Our apple treat this week was Crock Pot Apple Sauce! We mixed apples, lemon juice, sugar, water, and cinnamon together and after a few hours of cooking (and lots of mashing) we had yummy applesauce for our afternoon snack!

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