Last month we completed our curriculum unit on families!
We learned about the differences in our immediate family and our extended family, discussed fun activities and traditions we celebrate with our family, learned what families need, and discussed ways we can be helpers to our families and friends.
To kick off our unit we each brought pictures of our families from home and drew our family's portrait. We took turns sharing our family photos and portraits with the class then we discussed the difference in the sizes of our immediate families. Some families are small, some are large, but they are all special!
Next, we discussed things we like to do with our families.
Some friends like activities at home and and in our city while others like big trips and family vacations!
We learned that families big and small both need the same things: shelter, food and water, clothing, and transportation. We each colored a house and added it to our class neighborhood, Hoot Lane in Bakersville. :)
Next, we took turns sorting items we find in our homes into the rooms they belong in.
The kids really enjoyed reading The Three Little Pigs and building their own houses out of "straw," "sticks," and "bricks."
Patrick volunteered to be the wolf to test our building skills! Just like in the story, the wolf was able to blow down the house of straw and sticks but the house made of bricks stood firm.
We ended our unit with ways we can be helpers both at home and at school.
Next we read three different versions of The Little Red Hen. As we read the stories we compared the characters, who helped the hen, baked goods made, and if the Little Red Hen shared her baked good at the end.
We made our own Little Red Hens and tried our hand at writing on a sentence strip for the first time!
We even got to go with PreK A to visit the Holy Souls Chicken Coop to visit our 3 resident hens!
We loved watching them eat and drink and strut around!
Our fun letter spotlight for the month was on the letter F. We all dressed up in our fanciest accessories for the day. We were the talk of the school!