Saturday, September 10, 2016

My 5 Senses

Our shape of the week was the square!  
After hearing our square song and learning that a square has four equal sides, four right angles, and four straight lines we separated objects in to squares and non-squares.

Then we each practiced drawing a square on our class chart.

This week we talked all about our 5 Senses and how they will help us learn this school year.  

The first sense we talked about was our sense of sight!  Our eyes help us see the world around us.  They help us see our family and friends, our favorite toys, and all of the wonderful plants and animals in nature.  We used our sense of sight to play I Spy in our classroom and everyone did a great job using their descriptive words to help their friends find their object.

The second sense we talked about was our sense of hearing!  We listened to different sound bites and figured out which animals made them.  Next we created our own sound patterns using our hands to snap, clap, and pat our knees.  

The third sense we talked about was our sense of taste!  We tried different types of taste: sour, bitter, salty, and sweet and used paint dotters to mark if we liked the taste or not.  We then voted as a class for the taste we like the best and PreK B loves sour treats!

The fourth sense we talked about was our sense of touch!  We completed a worksheet that asked us to color different items based on the way they felt.  It was very important that we listened to directions because some of the directions added silly colors to the objects, like orange to snowflakes!

Next we listened to descriptive texture words and matched an item to them.  
We found squishy foam shapes,
bumpy sea shell beads,
fuzzy pom poms,
smooth google eyes,
and rough felt.

The fifth sense we talked about was our sense of smell!  While cooking our apple treat of the week, yummy apple sauce, we used our sense of smell to help figure out and describe our ingredients.  
After adding our apples we added sweet sugar, sour lemon juice, and a bit of spicy cinnamon. 

We let the apples cook all morning and when we woke up from nap we had yummy apple sauce!  
Etchieson and Lawson really liked our treat and even had seconds!  

Our final apple activity of the week was voting on which apple we like best.  After trying yellow, green, and red apples we created a class graph on the smart board.  PreK be likes red apples best!

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