Monday, October 5, 2015

Signs That Keep Me Safe

Last week we learned all about the letter B!  

We made Bumble Bees for our Alphabet Journal, Bats for our bulletin board for October, and looked at our names to see who had a "B". 

We had our first visit from Father Erik and he read the book How Do Dinosaurs Stay Safe? to kick off our lessons on staying safe at school and at home.

We learned all about what an emergency is and when we should call 9-1-1 for help.

We went on a sign hunt around campus to see all of the traffic signs that keep us safe when we are driving and walking to school.

We even made stop lights that are our shape of the week, rectangles! 

We ended our month of apple studies with a wonderful religion story from Mrs. Straessle about how God made the perfect "Little Red House" that has no doors or windows but has a star inside.  Following the story we made our last apple treat, yummy apple pies!

Speaking of pies, since HSS did such a wonderful job of raising money for the LLS foundation to "whip out childhood cancer" we got to see Jessica's big sister, Kimberly, and Luke Siria's litter sister, Sarah, throw pies in Jessica's dad's face!

We celebrated two birthdays this week, Ella's and Parker's, on the same day!  Happy birthday to these two big 5 year olds!

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