Thursday, February 1, 2018

Winter Wonderland

 Happy New Year from PreK B!

In January we turned our classroom into our own Winter Wonderland!
This month we decorated our windows with brightly colored mittens.

After reading the silly story Snowmen At Night we made our own snow-boys and snow-girls to hang on our walls.

We had our own "snow fall" from the ceiling.  Each paper snowflake was unique just like real snowflakes!

Happy snowmen hung above our Morning Meeting board.

We Waddled Into Winter with our fun and friendly penguins.

My favorite craft this month was making catching snowflakes self portraits!

We also made our very own snowflakes!  First we mixed our solution of warm water and borax soap powder.

Next we made our own snowflakes out of pipe cleaners and tied them onto strings.

We tied our snowflakes onto a ruler and lowered them into our borax solution and left them over night. 

The next morning our snowflakes were covered in beautiful crystals!

We were all so excited to see our snowflake experiment had worked! 

 This month we even had two REAL snow days!  Here are a few fun pictures of our classmates enjoying the winter weather!

Eli and his little sister, Paige.

J. Harley

 Luke and his big brother, Sully.

Madeline and her little sister, Charlotte.

Olivia and her big brother, Emmitt. 


 Reese and Bishop, my twins, braved the cold for a few minutes.

Mrs. Milton and her little boy enjoying the snow

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