Thursday, May 4, 2017

Boosterthon Fun!

Thank you parents for a wonderful two week Boosterthon fundraiser for HSS technology and music programs!  PreK B Hoots had a wonderful time raising money for our school and participating in fun incentives!

We kicked off the Boosterthon with a fun pep rally in the gym!

We enjoyed extra recess minutes on a beautiful sunny morning!

We showed our wild side on crazy hair day!

 We had lots of fun playing with our reading buddies on the big field and riding tricycles on the black top!

We shared some of our favorite toys during show and tell! 

 Lilly even brought her pet turtle, Myrtle, to share!

Our friends who earned the pajama challenge of getting an extra pledge got to wear pjs to school!

 I think our favorite incentive of all was skipping nap one afternoon to watch a movie!

We ended our two weeks with the FUN RUN!  
All of our Hoots ran the 35 laps to max out their pledge goals!

Thank you again for supporting HSS!

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