Monday, February 6, 2017

HaPPy 100th Day!

Last week we learned all about the letter P!
We discussed what characteristics make good Pets.

We made yummy yogurt Parfaits.

We became Pirates with Pet Parrots.

We ended our letter P study by Painting Pink Pigs.

Last Thursday we celebrated the 100th Day of School!!!
We painted 100 polka dots.

We decorated 100th Day crowns.  Look at all of these smart cookies!

We ended our day by adding an entry to our journal with what we wished we had 100 of!

We ended our week by learning about the Chinese New Year celebration.  We learned that the Chinese New Year is celebrated at the beginning of the Lunar New Year.   The New Year also helps to welcome the new season of Spring.

We read a fun book called PoPo's Lucky Chinese New Year that taught us all kinds of fun traditions that children help their parents celebrate at the new year such as getting all new red outfits, passing out oranges, playing mahjong, and attending parades.

We made red couplets to hang on our door to welcome in Good Luck and Good Fortune in our studies.

We ended our day by making fire breathing dragons!

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