Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Happy V'owl'entine's Day from PreK-B!

We had such a fun time celebrating Valentine's Day together in PreK-B!

Love was definitely in the air and you could find it all around our room on our bulletin board, hanging from the ceiling, above our morning meeting area, and in our windows!

Mrs, Milton taught us all about Saint Valentine and helped us make adorable portraits of him.

During our afternoon celebration we enjoyed lots of yummy treats, decorated bags, and passed out our valentines to our friends.  Sorry for the lack of pictures of the party.  Passing out valentines took lots of time reading names and finding friends.  :)

We hope you enjoyed the Valentine from you little Hoot.  They all "Love You A WATT!"

Happy Valentine's Day from my two tiniest Valentines, Reese and Bishop!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Catholic Schools Week

The Hoots enjoyed a wonderful Catholic Schools Week together.  
Here is a look into all of our fun!

Monday we got to do our shopping in the Book Fair during our library time.

Tuesday we dined on Donuts with Dad.

Wednesday we celebrated Students' Day with free dress, Slim Chickens for lunch, a movie in the afternoon, and a visit from Clifford to remind us to visit the book fair again on Friday with our friends and family.

Thursday we munched on Muffins with Mom.

Friday we had fun with Friends and Family eating yummy spaghetti and found more books and treasures at the Book Fair.

Thank you so much for all of your participation in this week's events and helping make this such a fun time for all of the Hoots!