Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Apples, Apples Everywhere!

Welcome to September, the month of apples in PreK! 

PreK B really is the best of the bunch and our hand prints make the sweetest bulletin board decorations around!

We learned all about the circle this week!  After hearing a catchy song that taught us that a circle is a shape that goes around and around we sorted objects on the smart board into circles and non circles.

Then we went on a circle hunt around our room!
There are so many things in our room that are circles: signs, tables, toys, and lanterns just to name a few.  Everyone was able to find a circle object and no two were alike!

Continuing with our circle theme we created our own caterpillars after reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  This was our first big cutting activity and the kids did great!  Cutting circles can be tricky and these Hoots were pros at cutting not one but six circles!
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This week we continued talking about things that make us special.  Our names make us special so we used circle dotters to paint our names!

We also talked about our special letter, the first letter in our first name.  We got to use our watercolors for the first time and painted our special letters!

After painting our special letters we completed our name chart.  Each child's special letter was written for them and they completed their name after locating their special letter!

One of our favorite lesson times of the week was sharing our special letter that we decorated.  Thank you parents for all of your help on this homework assignment!
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Friday we talked about nothing but apples!  We made beautiful "stained glass" apples for our windows.  Be sure to take a look when you come through the carpool line!

We also had our first apple treat on Friday, apple nachos!  Each child got to load up their apple slices with all of the toppings their heart desired.  Yum!!!

All week long we read stories about good friends and talked about things we can do to be kind to one another.  Lilly went above and beyond and brought Donut Holes on Friday for both PreK classes!  Such a sweet and special friend!

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