After returning from Spring Break we spent our time together preparing for Easter with fun activities and lessons!
We practiced our graphing skills with images of Easter treats.
We participated in a fun engineering challenge to see who could build the tallest structure using plastic Easter Eggs and play dough. After learning about supporting structures with strong foundations each student set to work to create their own egg tower!
We participated in another building challenge creating peep boats! We began our lesson by learning about the hull, mast, and sails of a boat. Afterwards, each student chose a peep bunny, chick or egg for their hull, a popsicle stick, wooden skewer, or straw for their mast, construction paper, writing paper, or tissue paper for their sail, and play dough, tape, glue, or rubber bands to hold their boats together. After making their boats and sharing them with the class students tested their boats ability to float and travel across the water with a "breeze".
On our last day together before Easter break we had our very own Easter Egg hunt at Prospect Park!
Thank you to Mr. Barnett, Mrs. Taggart, and Mrs. Boch for hiding our Easter Eggs and for all of the parents and grandparents who attend and helped make our morning so much fun!
Mrs. Milton and I hoped everyone had a wonderful Easter holiday and enjoyed time with their families!