Monday, February 1, 2016

Winter Wonderland

When we returned from Christmas break the temperatures were extra chilly but we had no precipitation, leaving us all wishing for snow!  With no snow outside we decided to decorate our room to be our own winter wonderland.  

We made snow angels for our bulletin board.

We built snowmen and snow women for our cabinets.

We colored toboggans to hang from our ceiling.  

We made portraits of us catching snowflakes.

We "knit" mittens.

Finally. all of those wishes came true and we had our own real snow day!

During the month of January we learned about our first coin, the penny.

We learned about different stores and places in our community and the items you can find and purchase at each one.

We learned about different helpers in our community.  Teachers, doctors, librarians, police officers, and mail carriers, just to name a few.  One afternoon each student was given different shapes and asked to figure out which community helpers' vehicle it would make.

If you guessed a firefighter's truck, you were right!

This month we also celebrated the 100th day of school!
We made 100 days smarter crowns to wear, had yummy 100 cookies for snack, and made portraits of ourselves of what we think we will look like at 100 years old.

You can't have a celebration without sharing!

This month you all surprised me with the sweetest baby shower ever!
Fun games, yummy treats, and adorable gifts for Reese and Bishop.   I am so grateful for each and everyone of you, your children, and your thoughtfulness.  I simply cannot say thank you enough! 

The twins thank you for all of their special gifts!